Easy Lawn Care Help...
Get The Answers To Almost Any Lawn Care Question!

Receiving expert lawn care help is the best thing you can do for your lawn. Everyone wants a healthy green lawn! We all try to find the "best" solutions to the problems of lawn maintenance, lawn weed control and lawn disease. Asking for and then implementing the right lawn care help for your situation is the signature of a smart lawn owner.

Lawn care help by Robert MosseGood management practice for home lawns does require a little time and effort. You must check the condition of your lawn regularly to keep it healthy. With a little lawn care advice, you'll find the right lawn practices that will improve the growth of your grass and make it more resistant to disease.

With proper lawn care help and guidance, you are involved every step of the way, from seeding to maintaining your lawn.

We invite you to join us for the "real dirt" on lawn care help... with our Easy Book Series, Easy Lawn Care.  Our goal is to give you lawn care help like you've never had before... you'll learn everything you'll need to know about growing the beautiful, lush, green lawn you've always wanted.

We'll show you exactly how to go about planting grass seed, proper lawn mowing, preparing a new lawn, lawn weed control, handling (and preventing) lawn disease, renovating a tired lawn, and landscaping yards... while making it easy and fun!

Some lawn care help tips to
get you started:

Lawn care help tips for grass seeding:

  • Did you know your lawn is not composed of just one type of grass seed? It's a mixture of grass seed with different growth characteristics to make your lawn adaptable to various conditions. There are grass seeds for open, sunny spots, shady places and areas that need to withstand a lot of traffic.

  • Prepare the soil properly before seeding. This will reduce the risk of disease and prevent drainage and fertilization problems that can occur once your grass is established.

  • Know the condition of your soil! Is your lawn healthy, hungry or hopeless? Only then will you know how to improve the soil. You should install drainage materials if necessary, and grade the soil so that the lawn will be easier to mow.

  • You can spread grass seed in the spring but it is best to seed in the fall, when the soil is warm. This speeds the germination.

Lawn care help tips for laying sod

  • Sodding is a more expensive way to start your lawn, but it gives you a ready-to-go lawn in two to three weeks.

  • Sod can be laid any time; it smothers weeds and can be laid on sloped areas without any danger of erosion. You'll want to prepare the soil the same way as for seeding. Use organic fertilizer for a moist soil bed that accelerates deep rooting.

  • You need to roll the sod in order to press the roots into contact with the soil. Water the sod thoroughly once it is laid and do not walk on it while it is wet.

Lawn care help for dealing with pests and problems that commonly affect lawns and flowers.Discover our easy to follow program of lawn care help, and you'll soon be an expert!  Our downloadable Easy Lawn Care e-book is written specifically for the home lawn owner. Create a beautiful, trouble-free new lawn - or rejuvenate an existing lawn - the right way!

If you're serious about successful lawn care help, learn more about our Easy Lawn Care help program. Find everything you'll ever need to know about management practice for home lawns.

You might say we wrote the book on it!


Get our FREE practical guide to dealing with pests and problems that commonly affect lawns, vegetables,
trees and garden flowers.
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